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Welcome to House of Devlin

Hi guys so welcome to my blog that is a great place for me to share but also expand upon my my YouTube videos that I film for my youtube cha...

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Feats Of Strength - Simple Lift and Hold

new footage in my feats of strength series, more videos due soon

Friday, 31 July 2020

Big Al's Fight Prep - 2

First bit of martial arts training during the lockdown, finally got a boxing bag of my own, this point it was May.

The bag weighs 50kg, and at this point there was a heatwave making it easy to film lots of footage :)

Big al fight prep - session 1

Alright guys so before covid I was starting to fight again in the ring (although cage to be specific with my last fight) and now that things are starting to get back to normal I'm beginning to prep to go back in again. At the moment training is a little restrictive,but I'm hoping by the end of the year to have a regular sparring partner or two (but we will have to see) in the meantime I'm doing mostly bagwork.

I've got three vids to share with you with recent prep the first was in late February just before all the covid madness. Then two more that I've done during the lockdown

I've started adding commentary now on the last video to explain my thoughts, techniques etc.  But the first two just have music over the top.

Cheers guys feel free to share your thoughts, ideas questions etc..

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Big Al's Diet and Nutrition -Carbohydrates

Whetehr you need to loose weight or want to gain lean muscle, I've started a series on diet and nutrition which will benefit everyone and their different needs. To start with we have my summary  video on carbohydrates

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Apocolypse home workout day 6

Stuck at home?? Wondering if the weights miss you like you miss them?? Dont worry the gym never dies! My APOCALYPSE HOME WORKOUTS are here

Apocolypse Home Workout Day 5

Stuck at home?? Wondering if the weights miss you like you miss them?? Dont worry the gym never dies! My APOCALYPSE HOME WORKOUTS are here

Monday, 23 March 2020

Apocalypse Home Workouts

So for those who are like me and are in self isolation and unable to attend the gym -here is my first home workout. One coming everyday till lockdown is lifted

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Welcome to House of Devlin

Hi guys so welcome to my blog that is a great place for me to share but also expand upon my my YouTube videos that I film for my youtube channel :Houseofdevlin

My channel incorporates a whole host of different topics but its main focuses are gym workout videos, boxing and fighting footage, tattoos and paganism.

However it's so much easier to clarify what my channel is about by sharing with you my channel trailer here it is and if you like what you see, then come visit me on youtube