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Hi guys so welcome to my blog that is a great place for me to share but also expand upon my my YouTube videos that I film for my youtube cha...

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Sumo Wrestler Hibikiryu Dead

 Sumo wrestler Hibikiryu has now died from his injuries . I covered his paralysis from a broken neck a month ago, but so so sad to hear this warrior has died now. May he rest in peace and forever be remembered 

In this video we see the sad moment where hibikiryu fell and did not get up. at first the officials believed him to be unconscious, but hibikiryu was conscious the whole time but unable to move from the neck down. 

terrifying and I can only hope the Doctors and Nurses looking after him can do something for him regards recovery, at the moment good news looks unlikely but we can only hope

It's just been announced (29th April 2021)that hibikiryu has died from his injuries, at the age of 28years. Such a sad moment. May this warrior rest in peace and his death not be in vain

#sumo #hibikiryu #sumowrestling #sumonews 


Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Training for VALHALLA bench press 26th April 2021

 Started with a little playaround on heavier weights today on bench. Got to 150kg 330lb and was well pleased as I have another 7-8months to peak, so if I'm doing 150kg now in my light phase I may be able to push for 180kg 400lb at the end of the year! But then playtime was Iver and it was time to do some work so stripped the bar down to 120kg 265lb. I wanted to start my volume work by doing super strict reps. Overly strict tbh and very controlled to the point of turning into a negative lift as well as the lift proper. Did this on 120kg, 110kg and 100kg. Then I wanted to work the explosion and speed of the movement off the chest, to put as much tension into the pecs as poss for maximum muscle growth. These are a much easier way to lift than compared to the prior few sets but help work your body in a different way. So ended up doing high volume sets on 90kg, 80kg and 70kg My back and shoulder are nearly healed following a couple of injuries that have come off the aftermath of my world record, so hopefully soon be back into the rhythm with squat and deadlift also #Pectastic Powerlifting corporation🏋️‍♂️ and #Peczilla Power 💪 Present #PECASAURUS the #EighthWonderOfTheworld APPROVED 🦖🦖🦖 media 💣💣 #BippityBoppityBOOM 💣💣 🍋#EasyPeasy 🍋 #LemonSqueezy 🍋 #BeastModeActivated 🍻🍺#valhalla 🍺🍻 #valhallaawaits #trainingforvalhalla  #valhallagym #valhallafitness 💪 #strong 💪 #vikingpower #vikingstrength #oldmandtrength ☢👾 #monster 👾☢#powerlifting #powerlifter 🏋️‍♂️ #weightlifting 🏋️‍♂️#gainz 💪🦖 #musclemonster 💪🦖  #fitnessmotivation #swoll 👹 #beastmode 👹 #liftheavyshit #doyouevenlift #neversettle  #liftheavy 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🦖🦖🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️

Deadlift and Backwork 27th April 2020

 Back day today! And strictly speaking I shouldn't be deadlifting atm due to a lower back injury, but he'll will freeze over before I take my own advice lol So took it easy on deads, kept it light and simple, though off camera I did thoroughly warm up with 15 singles on 120kg 264lb. But after deads the work began with loads of volume work. Combining t-bar row for thickness of the rhomboids, chins for width and thickness of the latisimus dorsi and finished off with two super sets of bent over rows to help flair out the lower lats. #BIGZILLA the #EighthWonderOfTheworld and #LATISAURUS REX ARTS Present #DEADZILLA APPROVED 🦖🦖🦖 media 💣💣 #BippityBoppityBOOM 💣💣 🍋#EasyPeasy 🍋 #LemonSqueezy 🍋 #BeastModeActivated 🍻🍺#valhalla 🍺🍻 #valhallaawaits #trainingforvalhalla  #valhallagym #valhallafitness 💪 #strong 💪 #vikingpower #vikingstrength #oldmandtrength ☢👾 #monster 👾☢#powerlifting #powerlifter 🏋️‍♂️ #weightlifting 🏋️‍♂️#gainz 💪🦖 #musclemonster 💪🦖  #fitnessmotivation #swoll 👹 #beastmode 👹 #liftheavyshit #doyouevenlift #neversettle  #liftheavy 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🦖🦖🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️